Friday 20 October 2017

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La hoja de cálculo de toro con un toque los posibles tipos de su. One Touch Touch futuros y opciones de comercio hdfc No Touch. Sex-rex Creo que ha sido discutido, la búsqueda haciendo clic en el enlace de arriba. George Y. burn casi accidentalmente fui a este sitio, pero se quedó aquí por mucho tiempo. Retrasado, porque todo es muy interesante. Asegúrese de decirle acerca de todos mis amigos. ConnectingPeople Lo siento que no puedo participar ahora en la discusión - no hay tiempo libre. Sea libre, asegúrese de dar mi opinión sobre el asunto. Alexandra Bessarabova Just brillo tunja ¿Qué es lo que le vino a la mente angellena En ningún caso 7 de 10 sobre la base de 1601 ReviewEMPLOYEE146S STOCK OPTION SCHEME (145ESOS146) XII Este ESOS ha sido enmarcado por el Comité de Compensación de acuerdo con la Securities and Exchange Board de la India (Régimen de Opciones de Compra de Acciones para Empleados y Plan de Compra de Acciones para Empleados), Directrices, 1999, en su forma enmendada, y la resolución de los accionistas del Banco adoptada en su reunión celebrada el 16 de junio de 2007. CLÁUSULA A. DEFINICIONES A menos que repugnan al contexto o significado Los siguientes términos tendrán los siguientes significados: 1. 147Empleado148 se entenderá todo empleado permanente del Banco del grado de ejecutivo al Director Gerente y directores del Banco, en su caso (ya sea en la fecha de este plan o posteriormente) E incluirá a cualquier empleado del Banco que se haya unido a solicitud del Banco el empleo de cualquier compañía que sea una filial, o una empresa afiliada o una empresa hermana del Banco. 2. 147Bank148 significa HDFC Bank Limited. 3. Se entenderá por «Régimen de opciones de compra de trabajadores / ESOS 147» dicho régimen. 4. 147Opción148 significa un derecho pero no una obligación otorgada a un Empleado conforme a esta ESOS para solicitar Acciones de la Compañía a un precio predeterminado como se menciona a continuación. 5. 147Gran148 significa la emisión de Opciones a los Empleados bajo este ESOS. 6. Fecha de Vencimiento148 significa la fecha en que se le da al Empleado el derecho a solicitar acciones del Banco contra las Opciones que se le otorgan bajo esta ESOS. 7. 147Exercicio148 significa el acto de presentar una solicitud por el Empleado al Banco para la emisión de acciones contra la Opción adquirida en el Empleado en cumplimiento de esta ESOS. 8. 147Precio148 significa el precio comunicado al Empleado en el momento de la concesión de la Opción, determinado como se menciona a continuación, cuyo precio debe ser pagado por el Empleado en el momento de ejercer la Opción. 9. 147 Impuesto aplicable148 significa el Impuesto sobre Beneficios (FBT) o cualquier otro impuesto que el Gobierno perciba de tiempo en tiempo. 147F. B.T.148 significa el monto del impuesto que debe pagar el empleado en el momento de ejercer las opciones. Esto se calcula en cierto porcentaje sobre la diferenciación del precio que es el precio de la concesión y el precio de mercado de las acciones cotizadas en la bolsa de valores en su día de adjudicación. En caso de que no exista negociación en el día de consolidación, se considerará el precio de mercado cotizado el día hábil anterior para este cálculo. 10. Período de ejercicio148 significa el período dentro del cual las Opciones adquiridas en un Empleado deben ser ejercidas por dicho Empleado. 11. 147 Precio de mercado148 de una acción en una fecha dada significa el precio de cierre de las acciones en esa fecha en la Bolsa de Valores de la India donde hay mayor volumen de negociación. 12. 147Vestir148 significará el proceso por el cual se le da al Empleado el derecho de solicitar Acciones en el Banco contra las Opciones otorgadas al Empleado en cumplimiento de esta ESOS. 13. 147Comisión de Compensación148 significa un comité del Consejo de Administración del Banco constituido por la Junta de acuerdo con las regulaciones / leyes aplicables. 14. El término 147 acciones148 o 147 acciones de la Sociedad148 significará acciones del Banco con un valor nominal de Rs.10 / - cada una por acción. CLAUSULA B. COMISIÓN DE INDEMNIZACIÓN El Comité de Retribuciones, en cumplimiento de las facultades que se le han otorgado y de conformidad con los términos y condiciones aprobados por los miembros del Banco en la Junta General Ordinaria del Banco, celebrada el 16 de junio de 2007, formuló esta ESOS. En caso de que se requieran aclaraciones sobre la interpretación o aplicación de esta ESOS, se remitirá la misma al Comité de Compensación. La decisión del Comité de Retribuciones será definitiva y vinculante a este respecto. El Comité de Compensación también se ha reservado el derecho de modificar este Plan cuando sea necesario, sujeto, como siempre, a la Securities and Exchange Board de la India (Plan de opciones sobre acciones para empleados y Planes de compra de acciones para empleados), 1999, según enmendado de vez en cuando. En caso de cualquier emisión de derechos, emisión de bonos y otras acciones corporativas, el Comité de Retribuciones deberá considerar y aprobar dicho ajuste en cuanto al número de opciones otorgadas y / o al precio de ejercicio según los actos, normas y reglamentos aplicables en ese momento. CLAUSULA C. EMPLEADOS ELEGIBLES Todos los empleados son elegibles para la concesión de las opciones. El número total de Opciones emitidas de conformidad con este ESOS estará sujeto a un máximo de 10.000.000 (10 millones solamente) Opciones. Al Ejercicio de la Opción de acuerdo con este ESOS, una Acción Equitativa para cada Opción en poder del Empleado sería emitida por el Banco. Todos los Empleados a los que el Comité de Compensación haya resuelto que se otorguen las Opciones mencionadas serán informados de la misma por medio de una comunicación separada por medio de una carta separada o por correo electrónico. (Excepto los directores por las razones mencionadas en la Cláusula P a continuación) Un empleado (incluyendo un director) que es un promotor o pertenezca al grupo promotor no será elegible para participar en el ESOS. Un director, ya sea por sí mismo oa través de su pariente oa través de cualquier persona jurídica directa o indirectamente, tiene más de 10 de las acciones de capital en circulación del Banco no será elegible para participar en el ESOS. Además, no se otorgará a ningún empleado / director individual opciones bajo la ESOS que otorguen a dicho empleado / director acciones de capital en el Banco que representen más de 1 del capital social desembolsado del Banco a la fecha de otorgamiento de opciones o 10 del número total de opciones concedidas en el marco del régimen. El número mínimo de opciones que se pueden conceder bajo el ESOS es cero. CLAUSULA D. CRITERIOS PARA LA CONCESIÓN DE OPCIONES Durante el otorgamiento de las Opciones, el Comité de Compensación ha tenido en cuenta, entre otras cosas, el grado, el desempeño, el mérito, la futura contribución potencial, la conducta del Empleado y otros factores pertinentes pertinentes. El Comité de Compensación ha decidido que las Opciones no se otorgarán a los Empleados cuyo desempeño en la evaluación inmediatamente anterior sea evaluado como no aceptable146. CLAUSULA E. FECHA DE CONCESIÓN DE OPCIONES En su reunión del 27 de junio de 2007, el Comité de Compensación ha determinado que los Empleados elegibles para la Concesión de dichas Opciones y el número de dichas Opciones se otorgarán a dichos Empleados. El Comité de Compensación ha determinado el 27 de junio de 2007 como la fecha de otorgamiento de dichas Opciones. CLAUSULA F: PRECIOS Como aprobado por los Accionistas en la Junta General Ordinaria del Banco celebrada el 16 de junio de 2007, el precio de las opciones será el precio de mercado de cierre cotizado el día hábil inmediatamente anterior a la fecha de concesión del Opciones, en la bolsa de valores, donde hay mayor volumen de operaciones. De acuerdo con los criterios anteriores y la fecha de otorgamiento de la Opción al 27 de junio de 2007, el Precio con respecto a las Opciones otorgadas el 27 de junio de 2007 se fija en R $ 1098,70 (Rupias Mil y Noventa y Setenta y Siete Sólo / -) por opción / participación en acciones. CLAUSULA G. VENCIMIENTO DE OPCIONES Las Opciones otorgadas a los Empleados conforme a esta ESOS se otorgarán en dos etapas: 50 de las Opciones redondeadas a la más cercana 100 serán Vest en los Empleados el día 27 de Junio ​​de 2008. Los Empleados a los 27 días de Junio ​​de 2009 CLAUSULA H. EL EFECTO DE LA MUERTE, RENUNCIA PERMANENTE DE INCAPACITACIÓN Y TERMINACIÓN DEL EMPLEO SOBRE LA VIVIENDA DE OPCIONES No habrá opción en ningún Empleado si el empleado deja de estar en el empleo del Banco Antes de la fecha de Vencimiento de las Opciones excepto en los siguientes casos: 1. Muerte de un empleado En caso de fallecimiento de un Empleado a quien se otorguen las Opciones, se considerará que todas las Opciones otorgadas al Empleado Vencido en el Empleado en la fecha de su fallecimiento y será ejercitable por sus nominados y en ausencia de cualquier nominado, por los herederos legales y sucesores del Empleado. Todas las Opciones serán ejercitables por los herederos legales, sucesores y / o nominados, según sea el caso, dentro de un período de seis meses a partir de la fecha de fallecimiento del Empleado. Para permitir que los Empleados designen a personas con respecto a las Opciones, el Banco pondrá a disposición de los empleados formularios de nominación específicos de vez en cuando. 2. Incapacidad permanente En caso de que un Empleado sufre una incapacidad / incapacidad permanente mientras está en el empleo y como consecuencia de ello su empleo con el Banco llega a su fin, todas las Opciones que se le otorgan en la fecha de incapacidad permanente / Incapacidad, Vest en él / ella en esa fecha. Todas estas opciones serán ejercitables dentro de un período de seis meses a partir de la fecha de dicha incapacidad permanente. 3. Renuncia / Terminación del empleo En caso de renuncia o terminación del Empleado, todas las Opciones no adquiridas como en esa fecha perderán. Sin embargo, el Empleado tendrá derecho a retener todas las Opciones con Garantía y Ejercer las mismas dentro de un período de seis meses a partir de la fecha de cese del empleo. Sin embargo, tal renuncia o terminación no se debe a una mala conducta o delito menor del Empleado. Transcurrido el plazo de seis meses, las opciones adquiridas quedarán caducadas, si no se ejerce. El Comité de Compensación tendrá absoluta discreción en la determinación de si ha habido alguna demanda148 o 147 omisión de parte del Empleado y la decisión del Comité de Compensación a este respecto será final y vinculante para el Empleado. Si la renuncia o terminación del Empleado es atribuible a mala conducta / mala conducta del Empleado, en ese caso todas las Opciones Vested en el Empleado quedarán sin efecto y el Empleado no tendrá derecho a Ejercer dichas Opciones. Tales opciones serán susceptibles de ser perdidas por el Banco. 4. Jubilación de un empleado En caso de que el Empleado, incluyendo un Director al cual se otorguen las Opciones, se retire o abandone su cargo al llegar a la edad de anulación de la cena según las reglas del Banco o al vencimiento de cualquier prórroga o por cuenta of any directives, statutory provisions, clarifications or guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India (other than a directive, provision, clarification or guideline relating to the misconduct or misdeamenour of an Employee) then in such case all Granted Options shall forthwith Vest in such Employee . However, the Employee shall Exercise the Options within a period of six months from the date of such retirement / vacating of the office, failing which the said options shall lapse. 5. Merger and Amalgamation The Options granted hereunder shall not be affected by any takeover, merger, amalgamation of any other entity with the Bank. In the event of the Bank being merged or amalgamated into any other Entity or if there is any material and sizable change in the controlling interest / shareholdings held by the promoters of the Bank or if any investor acquires more than 12 of the paid-up share capital of the Bank either by itself or together with relatives / group companies / entities acting in concert, then in such an event, all Options granted shall forthwith Vest in the Employees and they shall be entitled to Exercise the same forthwith. CLAUSE I. EXERCISING OF OPTIONS Save and except as mentioned in clause H, Employees may Exercise Vested Options, before the expiry of two years from the respective date(s) of Vesting of the Options. At the time of Exercising the Options, the Employees shall apply for a minimum of 200 shares or the entire unexercised Vested Options held by the Employee on such date, whichever is less. The mode and manner of the Exercise of the Options shall be communicated separately to the Employees. On Exercise of the Options the Employee shall forthwith pay to the Bank the Price which includes the grant price plus the F. B.T. amount or any other amount which the Bank has an option to recover from its past and present employees. The Bank shall be entitled to recover the Price by debiting the salary/saving/other account of the employees with the Bank. The Employee shall issue necessary authorisations to the Bank in this regard. In case the Employee does not have an account with the Bank then the Bank shall accept the exercise price by such other means acceptable to the Bank It is hereby clarified that the Options can be Exercised only after they are Vested in the Employees and the allotment in respect thereof shall be made within 21 days from the last date specified for the exercise of options in each month / period. The data of Options Exercised during a particular calendar month shall be computed and furnished to the stock exchanges for listing permission immediately thereafter or in accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the stock exchange then in force. Trading of such shares shall be subject to the approval of the stock exchanges. Hence if an Option is exercised at any time between 1 st of any month till the last date specified for exercise of options for that month, the allotment shall be made within 21 days from the said last date specified for exercise of options for that month. The data for the said calendar month shall be computed thereafter and provided to the stock exchanges for listing purposes. In case of employees who intend to go on long leave, they may request the ESOP Manager to subscribe for the shares on their behalf. ESOP Manager would insist on authority letter in this regard. The shares will be issued and allotted in the name of such employees. The above period of the calendar month may in the discretion of the Compensation Committee be modified from time to time. CLAUSE J. LAPSE OF OPTIONS AND GRANTING THEREOF Without prejudice to the provisions of clause H, the options vested in an Employee shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of such Vesting. If the Options are not exercised by the Employees concerned within a period of two years from the date of Vesting of such Options, the right of the Employee to apply for Option / Equity Shares shall stand forfeited and such options shall forthwith lapse. In the event of any Options lapsed pursuant to the provisions of Clause Nos. H and J, the said lapsed Options shall be available to the Compensation Committee for Grant to such other Employees as the Compensation Committee may deem fit. Provided that the Price of such Options shall be computed from the date of Grant of such Options and not in accordance with the Price under this Scheme. CLAUSE K. CASHLESS EXERCISE Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause I, in case any Employee is desirous of Exercising Options Vested in him / her, the Bank may permit the empanelled stock brokers of the Bank, to fund the payment of the Price which shall be adjusted against the sale proceeds of some or all the Shares that would be required to be sold / transferred. To enable the Employee to avail of this procedure of Cashless Exercise the Compensation Committee shall be entitled to frame such rules, regulations and guidelines in this regard from time to time. CLAUSE L. NON - TRANSFERABILITY OF THE OPTIONS The Options granted to an Employee shall not be transferable by the Employee to any other person. Except in case of death of an Employee, no other person shall be entitled to exercise the Option in lieu of or on behalf of or in trust for the Employee. The Option granted to an Employee shall not be hypothecated, mortgaged or otherwise alienated in any other manner. CLAUSE M. TAX - LIABILITY The liability of paying tax, if any, on the options granted / vested / exercised/ allotted pursuant to this ESOS - X and the shares issued pursuant to exercise of options, shall be entirely on the employees and shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax, Act, 1961 and the rules framed there under. The Bank also has an option to recover the tax amount whether by way of FBT or otherwise from its past and present employees. In the event of any amendments or modifications to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and / or the rules framed there under as existing on the dates of this ESOS-X the Compensation Committee shall have the power to amend or modify this ESOS-X at a suitable time without consent of the employees or shareholders as the case may be, in order to ensure that the Bank is in the same position as it would have been had the amendments or modifications in the Income Tax act, 1961 and / or rules framed there under have not been made. The Bank shall be entitled to recover from its employees any tax that may be levied on the Bank from time to time by any regulatory authorities during granting / vesting / exercising / allotting of options. CLAUSE N. RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER The Employee shall not be able to exercise any rights of a shareholder in respect of the Options granted to him / her until he / she is allotted the requisite Equity Shares upon his/her exercising the Option so granted to him / her in accordance with this ESOS. However, all the Option grantees will receive communications as per the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended from time to time. No Employee shall have a right to receive any dividend or to vote at any meeting of the Bank or in any manner enjoy the benefits of a shareholder in respect of Options Granted or Vested in the Employee, until and unless Equity Shares are allotted to the Employee upon Exercise of the Options. All Equity Shares of the Bank issued consequent to such Exercise shall rank on pari-passu basis (i. e. on par with and with the same rights and benefits of) with the then existing Equity Shares of the Bank. CLAUSE O. INTERPRETATION Any dispute or disagreement which shall arise under, or as a result of, or pursuant to, or in connection with this ESOS shall be referred to the Compensation Committee and shall be determined by the Compensation Committee and any such determination / decision/interpretation by the Compensation Committee shall be binding on all persons affected thereby. CLAUSE P. REGULATORY APPROVALS The ESOS shall be subject to such regulatory approvals as may be required from time to time. It is further clarified that Granting of Options to directors shall be subject to the approval of Reserve Bank of India. On receipt of the approval referred to above, the intimation of receipt of such approval and the Grant of the Options shall be given to such directors. Provided that the date of Grant of the Options to such directors shall be in any event deemed to be the 27 th day June, 2007 at the Price mentioned in clause F. HDFC Bank Limited (HDB) Option Chain Real-Time After Hours Pre-Market News Flash Quote Summary Quote Interactive Charts Default Setting Please note that once you make your selection, it will apply to all future visits to NASDAQ. Si, en cualquier momento, está interesado en volver a nuestra configuración predeterminada, seleccione Ajuste predeterminado anterior. Si tiene alguna pregunta o algún problema al cambiar la configuración predeterminada, envíe un correo electrónico a isfeedbacknasdaq. Confirme su selección: Ha seleccionado cambiar su configuración predeterminada para la Búsqueda de cotizaciones. Ahora será su página de destino predeterminada a menos que cambie de nuevo la configuración o elimine las cookies. 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Explore all your favorite topics in the SlideShare app Get the SlideShare app to Save for Later even offline Continue to the mobile site Upload Login Signup Double tap to zoom out HDFCsec-Learning Series - Option Trading Simplified Share this SlideShare LinkedIn Corporation copy 2016EMPLOYEE146S STOCK OPTION SCHEME (145ESOS146) XII This ESOS has been framed by the Compensation Committee in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Options Scheme and Employees Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended, and the resolution of the shareholders of the Bank passed at their meeting held on 16 th June, 2007. CLAUSE A. DEFINITIONS Unless repugnant to the context or meaning hereof, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. 147Employee148 shall mean any permanent employee of the Bank from the grade of executive to the Managing Director and directors of the Bank, if any (either on the date of this scheme or thereafter) and shall include any employee of the Bank who has joined on the request of the Bank the employment of any company which is a subsidiary, or an affiliate company or sister concern of the Bank. 2. 147Bank148 shall mean HDFC Bank Limited. 3. 147Employee Stock Option Scheme/ ESOS 147 shall mean this scheme. 4. 147Option148 means a right but not an obligation granted to an Employee pursuant to this ESOS to apply for Equity Shares of the Bank at a pre-determined price as mentioned hereafter. 5. 147Grant148 means the issue of Options to Employees under this ESOS. 6. 147Date of Vesting148 shall mean the date on which the Employee is given a right to apply for shares of the Bank against the Options granted to him under this ESOS. 7. 147Exercise148 shall mean the act of making an application by the Employee to the Bank for issue of shares against Option vested in the Employee in pursuance of this ESOS. 8. 147Price148 shall mean the price communicated to the Employee at the time of granting of the Option determined as mentioned hereunder, which price has to be paid by the Employee at the time of exercising the Option. 9. 147 Applicable Tax148 shall mean Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) or any other tax levied by the Government from time to time. 147F. B.T.148 shall mean the amount of tax which has to be paid by the employee at the time of exercising the options. This is calculated at certain percentage on the differentiation of price being the grant price and the market price of the shares being quoted on the stock exchange on its vesting day. In case, there is no trading on the vesting day then the market price quoted on the previous working day will be considered for this calculation. 10. 147Exercise Period148 shall mean the time period within which the Options vested in an Employee have to be exercised by such Employee. 11. 147Market price148 of a share on a given date means the closing price of the shares on that date on the Stock Exchange in India where there is highest trading volume. 12. 147Vesting148 shall mean the process by which the Employee is given the right to apply for Equity Shares in the Bank against the Options granted to the Employee in pursuance of this ESOS. 13. 147Compensation Committee148 means a committee of Board of Directors of the Bank constituted by the Board in accordance with the applicable regulations/ laws. 14. The term 147shares148 or 147Equity shares148 shall mean equity shares of the Bank having a face value of Rs.10/- each per share. CLAUSE B. COMPENSATION COMMITTEE The Compensation Committee has pursuant to the powers granted to it and in accordance with the terms and conditions approved by the members of the Bank in the Annual General Meeting of the Bank held on the 16 th June 2007 formulated this ESOS. In the event of any clarifications being required on the interpretation or application of this ESOS, the same shall be referred to the Compensation Committee. The decision of the Compensation Committee shall be final and binding in this regard. The Compensation Committee has also reserved the right to vary this Scheme as and when required, subject as always to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Options Scheme and Employees Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended from time to time. In the eventuality of any rights issue, bonus issues and other corporate actions, the Compensation Committee shall consider and approve such adjustment as to the number of options granted and / or to the exercise price as per the then applicable acts, rules and regulations. CLAUSE C. ELIGIBILE EMPLOYEES All Employees are eligible for the Grant of the Options. The total number of Options issued pursuant to this ESOS will be subject to a maximum of 10,000,000 (10 million only) Options. On Exercise of the Option in accordance with this ESOS, One Equity Share for each Option held by the Employee would be issued by the Bank. All Employees to whom the Compensation Committee has resolved that the aforesaid Options be granted would be informed of the same by way of a separate communication by way of a separate letter or by way of an electronic mail. (except directors for the reasons mentioned in Clause P below) An employee (including a director) who is a promoter or belongs to the promoter group shall not be eligible to participate in the ESOS. A director either by himself or through his relative or through any body corporate directly or indirectly holds more than 10 of the outstanding equity shares of the Bank shall not be eligible to participate in the ESOS. Further, no single employee/director shall be granted options under the ESOS entitling such employee/director to equity shares in the Bank which would represent more than 1 of the paid-up share capital of the Bank as on the date of grant of options or 10 of the total number of options granted under the scheme. The minimum number of options that can be granted under the ESOS are zero. CLAUSE D. CRITERIA FOR GRANT OF OPTIONS While Granting the Options, the Compensation Committee has inter alia taken into consideration the grade, performance, merit, future potential contribution, conduct of the Employee and such other appropriate relevant factors. The Compensation Committee has decided that Options shall not be granted to Employees whose performance in the immediately preceding appraisal is evaluated as 145unacceptable146. CLAUSE E. DATE OF GRANT OF OPTIONS The Compensation Committee at its meeting on the 27 th June, 2007 has determined the Employees eligible for Grant of such Options and the number of such Options to be granted to such Employees. The Compensation Committee has determined the 27 th day June, 2007 as the date of Grant of such Options. CLAUSE F: PRICING As approved by the Shareholders in the Annual General Meeting of the Bank held on the 16 th June, 2007, the price of the options shall be the closing market price quoted on the immediately preceding working day of the date of grant of Options, on the stock exchange, where there is highest trading volume. In accordance with the above criteria and the date of Grant of Option being 27 th day June, 2007, the Price in respect of Options granted on 27 th day June, 2007 is fixed at Rs 1098.70 (Rupees One Thousand and Ninety Eight and paise Seventy only/-) per Option / Equity Share. CLAUSE G. VESTING OF OPTIONS The Options Granted to the Employees pursuant to this ESOS will Vest in two stages: 50 of the Options rounded off to the nearest 100 shall Vest in the Employees on the 27 th day June, 2008 Balance Options shall Vest in the Employees on the 27 th day June, 2009 CLAUSE H. THE EFFECT OF DEATH, PERMANENT DISABLEMENT RESIGNATION AND TERMINATION OF THE EMPLOYMENT ON THE VESTING OF OPTIONS No option shall Vest in any Employee if the employee ceases to be in the employment of the Bank before the date of Vesting of the Options except in the following cases: 1. Death of an employee In case of a death of an Employee to whom the Options are Granted, all Options that have been Granted to the Employee shall be deemed to have been Vested in the Employee on the date of his / her death and shall be exercisable by his/her nominees and in the absence of any nominee, by the Employee146s legal heirs and successors. All such Options shall be exercisable by the legal heirs, successors and/or nominees, as the case may be, within a period of six months from the date of death of the Employee. To enable the Employees to nominate persons in respect of the Options, the Bank shall make available to the Employees specific nomination forms from time to time. 2. Permanent disablement In case an Employee suffers a permanent disablement/incapacity while in employment and as consequence of it his/her employment with the Bank comes to an end, all the Options granted to him / her as on the date of permanent disablement/incapacitation, shall Vest in him / her on that date. All such Options shall be Exercisable within a period of six months from the date of such permanent disablement. 3. Resignation / Termination of employment In the event of resignation or termination of the Employee, all Options not Vested as on that date shall forfeit. However the Employee shall be entitled to retain all the Vested Options and Exercise the same within a period of six months from the date of cessation of the employment. However such resignation or termination is not on account of misconduct or misdemeanour of the Employee. After expiry of six months, the vested options shall get lapsed, if not exercised. The Compensation Committee shall have absolute discretion in determining whether there has been any 147misconduct148 or 147misdemanour148 on part of the Employee and the decision of the Compensation Committee in this regard shall be final and binding on the Employee. If the resignation or termination of the Employee is attributable to misconduct / misdeamenour of the Employee, then in that event all Options Vested in the Employee shall forthwith lapse and the Employee shall not be entitled to Exercise such Options. Such options shall be liable to be forfeited by the Bank. 4. Retirement of an employee In case the Employee, including a Director to whom the Options are Granted retires, or vacates his/her office upon reaching the age of supper annuation as per the Bank146s rules or upon expiry of any extension thereof or on account of any directives, statutory provisions, clarifications or guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India (other than a directive, provision, clarification or guideline relating to the misconduct or misdeamenour of an Employee) then in such case all Granted Options shall forthwith Vest in such Employee. However, the Employee shall Exercise the Options within a period of six months from the date of such retirement / vacating of the office, failing which the said options shall lapse. 5. Merger and Amalgamation The Options granted hereunder shall not be affected by any takeover, merger, amalgamation of any other entity with the Bank. In the event of the Bank being merged or amalgamated into any other Entity or if there is any material and sizable change in the controlling interest / shareholdings held by the promoters of the Bank or if any investor acquires more than 12 of the paid-up share capital of the Bank either by itself or together with relatives / group companies / entities acting in concert, then in such an event, all Options granted shall forthwith Vest in the Employees and they shall be entitled to Exercise the same forthwith. CLAUSE I. EXERCISING OF OPTIONS Save and except as mentioned in clause H, Employees may Exercise Vested Options, before the expiry of two years from the respective date(s) of Vesting of the Options. At the time of Exercising the Options, the Employees shall apply for a minimum of 200 shares or the entire unexercised Vested Options held by the Employee on such date, whichever is less. The mode and manner of the Exercise of the Options shall be communicated separately to the Employees. On Exercise of the Options the Employee shall forthwith pay to the Bank the Price which includes the grant price plus the F. B.T. amount or any other amount which the Bank has an option to recover from its past and present employees. The Bank shall be entitled to recover the Price by debiting the salary/saving/other account of the employees with the Bank. The Employee shall issue necessary authorisations to the Bank in this regard. In case the Employee does not have an account with the Bank then the Bank shall accept the exercise price by such other means acceptable to the Bank It is hereby clarified that the Options can be Exercised only after they are Vested in the Employees and the allotment in respect thereof shall be made within 21 days from the last date specified for the exercise of options in each month / period. The data of Options Exercised during a particular calendar month shall be computed and furnished to the stock exchanges for listing permission immediately thereafter or in accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the stock exchange then in force. Trading of such shares shall be subject to the approval of the stock exchanges. Hence if an Option is exercised at any time between 1 st of any month till the last date specified for exercise of options for that month, the allotment shall be made within 21 days from the said last date specified for exercise of options for that month. The data for the said calendar month shall be computed thereafter and provided to the stock exchanges for listing purposes. In case of employees who intend to go on long leave, they may request the ESOP Manager to subscribe for the shares on their behalf. ESOP Manager would insist on authority letter in this regard. The shares will be issued and allotted in the name of such employees. The above period of the calendar month may in the discretion of the Compensation Committee be modified from time to time. CLAUSE J. LAPSE OF OPTIONS AND GRANTING THEREOF Without prejudice to the provisions of clause H, the options vested in an Employee shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of such Vesting. If the Options are not exercised by the Employees concerned within a period of two years from the date of Vesting of such Options, the right of the Employee to apply for Option / Equity Shares shall stand forfeited and such options shall forthwith lapse. In the event of any Options lapsed pursuant to the provisions of Clause Nos. H and J, the said lapsed Options shall be available to the Compensation Committee for Grant to such other Employees as the Compensation Committee may deem fit. Provided that the Price of such Options shall be computed from the date of Grant of such Options and not in accordance with the Price under this Scheme. CLAUSE K. CASHLESS EXERCISE Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause I, in case any Employee is desirous of Exercising Options Vested in him / her, the Bank may permit the empanelled stock brokers of the Bank, to fund the payment of the Price which shall be adjusted against the sale proceeds of some or all the Shares that would be required to be sold / transferred. To enable the Employee to avail of this procedure of Cashless Exercise the Compensation Committee shall be entitled to frame such rules, regulations and guidelines in this regard from time to time. CLAUSE L. NON - TRANSFERABILITY OF THE OPTIONS The Options granted to an Employee shall not be transferable by the Employee to any other person. Except in case of death of an Employee, no other person shall be entitled to exercise the Option in lieu of or on behalf of or in trust for the Employee. The Option granted to an Employee shall not be hypothecated, mortgaged or otherwise alienated in any other manner. CLAUSE M. TAX - LIABILITY The liability of paying tax, if any, on the options granted / vested / exercised/ allotted pursuant to this ESOS - X and the shares issued pursuant to exercise of options, shall be entirely on the employees and shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax, Act, 1961 and the rules framed there under. The Bank also has an option to recover the tax amount whether by way of FBT or otherwise from its past and present employees. In the event of any amendments or modifications to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and / or the rules framed there under as existing on the dates of this ESOS-X the Compensation Committee shall have the power to amend or modify this ESOS-X at a suitable time without consent of the employees or shareholders as the case may be, in order to ensure that the Bank is in the same position as it would have been had the amendments or modifications in the Income Tax act, 1961 and / or rules framed there under have not been made. The Bank shall be entitled to recover from its employees any tax that may be levied on the Bank from time to time by any regulatory authorities during granting / vesting / exercising / allotting of options. CLAUSE N. RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER The Employee shall not be able to exercise any rights of a shareholder in respect of the Options granted to him / her until he / she is allotted the requisite Equity Shares upon his/her exercising the Option so granted to him / her in accordance with this ESOS. However, all the Option grantees will receive communications as per the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended from time to time. No Employee shall have a right to receive any dividend or to vote at any meeting of the Bank or in any manner enjoy the benefits of a shareholder in respect of Options Granted or Vested in the Employee, until and unless Equity Shares are allotted to the Employee upon Exercise of the Options. All Equity Shares of the Bank issued consequent to such Exercise shall rank on pari-passu basis (i. e. on par with and with the same rights and benefits of) with the then existing Equity Shares of the Bank. CLAUSE O. INTERPRETATION Any dispute or disagreement which shall arise under, or as a result of, or pursuant to, or in connection with this ESOS shall be referred to the Compensation Committee and shall be determined by the Compensation Committee and any such determination / decision/interpretation by the Compensation Committee shall be binding on all persons affected thereby. CLAUSE P. REGULATORY APPROVALS The ESOS shall be subject to such regulatory approvals as may be required from time to time. It is further clarified that Granting of Options to directors shall be subject to the approval of Reserve Bank of India. On receipt of the approval referred to above, the intimation of receipt of such approval and the Grant of the Options shall be given to such directors. Provided that the date of Grant of the Options to such directors shall be in any event deemed to be the 27 th day June, 2007 at the Price mentioned in clause F.

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